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Writer's pictureMadhuri Kamsali

Main challenges of Implementing the RPA

Robotic Process Automation is transforming the world by offering automation solutions to all sectors. It helps all sectors, such as banking, health, insurance, BPO, energy and telecommunications. It offers a variety of benefits that help companies optimize their work style and accomplish tasks that require more focus and skills.

When implementing robotic automation solutions with new technologies, each company faces challenges and must verify when deploying these solutions. In this article, we will focus on the main challenges of RPA and how to overcome them.

The 16 main challenges that RPA companies face during its implementation

We believe that there is no challenge that has no solution and vice versa. Here we compile a list of the main challenges of RPA as well as the solutions presented in this article. But before deploying robotic automation solutions, you must first consider the issues related to RPA. So, review the challenges or challenges that APRs may be hindering you in implementing RPPs.

1. Resistance of employees and integration

Resistance and integration of employees are defined as changes to the new technology. The changes can be traumatic because they involve responsibilities that can also affect the daily schedule of employees. It also requires new skills, frequent communication and a process of implementation. This is a very common and well known challenge for RPA.

2. The processes must be right

Robotic Process Automation involves repetitive tasks based on high volumes. If deploying Robotic Process Automation solutions requires monitored robots, few complexities appear each time and need to be verified.

3. Set realistic expectations

The deployment and implementation of Robotic Process Automation are the most challenging tasks of the latest technology and one of the most important challenges in RPA. This affects the whole level of processes. All processes go through different features such as individual hierarchy and business hierarchy. It also depends on different companies at different levels.

4. Mismanagement of responsibilities

Automation of robotic processes involves many responsibilities. There must be a relevant person for each process implemented in the processes. Suppose that if you implement robotic process automation solutions in your organization, you will encounter a major obstacle to mismanagement of responsibilities. Before deploying robotic process automation solutions, you should consider this fact.

5. Lack of the home team

A team is what makes a process successful. If you have a team that does not have the skills to implement robotic process automation. This is the most important problem in the automation of robotic processes.

6. Desirable, but not economical

It is undeniable that automation of robotic processes is expensive to deploy. To implement robotic automation solutions, you must take into account the economic effect. As this requires skills with considerable effort, it also requires specific training for the realization of automation processes. Thus, the implementation of robotic automation of processes may be desirable and not economical.

7. RPA Maintenance

The phase where implementation is complete and all processes have been successfully deployed explores few challenges or challenges related to RPA. Maintenance is one of those challenges. During execution and efficiency processes, RPA solutions require minimal maintenance. Technically, if you perform repetitive or rule-based tasks, it is mandatory to keep the output. If you do not start the maintenance protocols, you will certainly have trouble.

8. The Wrong RPA

This is one of the main challenges in the implementation of the RPA. Most companies choose the wrong solution. Because they do not have the advice and skills to determine the best solution for them. In addition, if you are using robotic process automation solutions, you must know all the processes. This will end up being useful for your organization. While choosing the right RPA provider, implementation is the most common aspect that is missing everywhere. Sometimes this also involves costs because most companies choose the wrong RPP because it does not suit them.

9. Infrastructure issues

In the modern era, one of the key challenges of implementing APR is that if you choose APR solutions, you need the infrastructure to implement and deploy it in the desired location. For the implementation of the RPA solution, each organization must have a team that will be responsible for all processes and monitor this type of challenges related to RPA.

10. Adoption after implementation

If you have implemented robotic process automation solutions in your business, it is imperative to consider the challenges that arise after implementation. After implementing robotic process automation solutions, the most common difficulty is that many companies cannot consider these solutions. In addition, RPA will only benefit you if you have a local team with the required skills and strong leadership.

11. Ownership

The property refers to the person or company with Robotic Process Automation solutions. The main difficulty is that many companies do not consider requirements, skills and designs. The property also includes all responsibilities. For example, the decision-making process needs to be clearer and more precise, each team must have a leader who has the knowledge to understand all the processes, etc.

12. Limited application

Some documents require partial automation. It is therefore unreasonable to allocate costs and time to partial automation. In addition, if it's images, audio and video, you need to choose complete automation solutions.

13. An interim solution

Robotic Process Automation does not provide a long-term solution. It offers immediate and optimized benefits. This is one of the most important challenges of the RPA. All companies want a long-term solution in the search for growth, but robotic process automation solutions are not long-term solutions. They require some important elements such as infrastructure, skills, ownership, maintenance, etc.

14. Process Analysis Issues

Robotic Process Automation is one of the most interesting technologies for the new generation. There are few RPA problems that require special programs and these special programs give an exact result, virtually impossible for human workers. In addition, this requires a dedicated team with a strong leader.

It supports the implementation of all processes and solutions at once. When implementing these processes and solutions, a difficulty that arises regularly is that of process analysis. This means that you and your team need to have a clear point of view on implementation. In addition, they do not have a clear concept, so it's the head to get the desired result and the growth of automation solutions for robotic processes.

15. Business Case Issues

If you are a sales manager and you are looking for a successful implementation of RPA solutions, it is difficult to obtain because all RPA solutions seek approval and require the presence of all heads of the department, whether investors, IT managers , accountants, etc.

Main challenges of Implementing the RPA

16. RPA Development

Customization is the most important aspect in today's businesses. Each company needs customized solutions according to their choice or criteria. But in the case of Robotic Process Automation, it's not easy to implement customization. Automation of robotic processes is a skill that requires a unique identity, advanced technologies, etc. It is therefore difficult to obtain all the information for all companies at the same time. In addition, it will cost more than the actual cost.

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